I had the weirdest day ever yesterday....
Bryan and I woke up to the normal sounds of the boys running down the hallway and Courtney hollering to let us know she is awake. The boys went into Courtney's room to get her out of her crib when we heard a crash. Again, nothing out of the ordinary, with three kids things are always crashing!! With Courtney sounding a little uncomfortable I got up to investigate.
I found Courtney on the ground on the side of her crib with Jeremy crouched beside her and Logan half way into the crib to jump on the bed. As I scooped up Courtney to put her "ears" on and change her I asked Jeremy if they fell over while he was getting her out. He told me, "No, she just fell into the wall." I thought yeah right and went on about my business. Courtney was still fussing which she sometimes does when I change her. As I finished changing her and sat her up on the changing table she took a nose dive into the wall. Okay that was weird.
I picked her up to console her when she started swaying back and forth. She seemed out of it. I took her into my bedroom and sat her on the bed, she fell over again. Her head was still swaying back and forth. Okay, I began to panic. Bryan immediately jumped up and went to the computer. I tried to put her down, she fell over. She had no balance what so ever. Then, she began throwing up. I was ready to take her to the ER!!
Fortunately I have a sane husband who told me it was probably all related to her ear infection that she was taking oral antibiotics for since Friday. It all sounded good in theory, but as of Friday, she had tubes in both ears, so why was her equilibrium off? I called my girlfriend who was supposed to come over to let the kids play. I told her I wasn't sure what was going on, but that we were going to call the doctor as soon as they opened.
The doctor takes about 50 minutes to get to so at 8:09 Bryan told her I could make it there by 9 as we all stood there in our pajamas. Ahhh! I made it there just a few minutes late. By the time we arrived Courtney seemed better and kept asking to get down. I tried, but she couldn't walk. She would just fall over. She would look at me with these big eyes confused as to what was going on. We quickly went back and saw the PA. He checked out her ears and confirmed that she did have an ear infection and that that could be why she is off balance, etc., but he wanted to consult with the doctor to be sure because it isn't normal.
As he stepped out the panic set in. I texted my mom freaking out. What?! Can't we just suction her ear and move on? About an hour later he comes back in and tells me that he and the doctor both think her imbalance is due to her ear infection and that she doesn't have a tube in her left ear. Somehow between Friday and Monday she had lost her tube. She was having negative pressure in her ear which may effect her balance. He changed her antibiotic to a stronger one and said that we were to come back in 10-14 days to see if she has improved. And, informed me that more than likely she would need to have another set of tubes put in. So off we went two hours later.
I called home where my friend had already arrived and another one on the way. Bryan informed me that Logan had a doctor's appointment with the dermatologist because he had a few HUGE boils on his bum. He has had this before and it was staph, so to the doctor he went. I picked up pizza for all of us on the way home. When I go there we let little girl down and she would zig and zag and crash to the ground. Now, when our kids have come off of sedation drugs we chuckled when they stumbled around like little drunks, but this made my heart hurt. She would be calling my name and just fall down. Oh, it made my heart hurt.
She slowly improved, but she was definitely tired. I put her down for a nap, tried to visit with my girlfriends and got Bryan and Logan out the door when the phone rang. The showing service wanted to know if a realtor could show our house in an hour from 3-5. Thank goodness for true friends who helped me run around and pick up my house. The day was seeming so crazy. I apologized to my friends who one of them told me, "Kohler, we don't expect anything less!" Great, a bout of some sort of vertigo and a possible staph infection seems normal for the Kohlers to my friends.
In the middle of all of this the pharmacy called and said that they or their sister companies didn't have the antibiotic in stock. After Bryan and I discussed that it isn't the first time we have had to go to Austin for a prescription (some crazy drug when Logan contracted giardia) the pharmacy calls back and said that they don't have it, but they do have the name brand for $25. What?! If you would have told me that to begin with, we would have agreed to forgo the generic and saved the headache!
I wake Courtney up to go meet Bryan and Logan to head to the outlet mall to get shoes for the kids since we had nothing else to good. Hind sight, not a good idea. What was I thinking taking a contagious staph infected boy out in public! I am one of "those" people now! Logan does have a staph infection and boils did burst which is completely disgusting, but apparently has to happen or you have to lance it off. The doctor took a culture and sent it off to rule out MRSA. What?! That can't be good!
So, all the kids got new shoes, we picked up our prescriptions and headed home. We fed and bathed the kids and bleached half the house! It was a weird day. Courtney is doing much better, but still a little off balance when she first touches ground. Logan has improved as well. Oh, the potential buyers liked the house, loved the floors, but it wasn't quite big enough for them! Maybe next time!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
What I have learned...
Last year at this time we were celebrating every sound Courtney could hear. Today, we are not only celebrating the sounds she hears, but the words she says. It has been an amazing journey with ups and downs, but overall good. I can't help but reflect on all of the things I have learned as I met a young mother recently who thinks her son is deaf, but is afraid to tell anyone. She heard Courtney talk over the phone and I couldn't help but feel emotional, not sad, just emotional. Most things I already knew, but were simply confirmed this past year.
I have learned that as a parent we will sacrifice everything for their well being, for them to be successful. I have met families who have moved to another country to get the best care/therapy they could find. We are only trying to move to another city and it is difficult, I can't imagine another country!
I have learned that for everything in life there is a season and every person chooses what that season is. For me, I am a mom, a wife and a business owner. I can't be the best athlete, I can be in shape, but running a marathon will have to wait. I want to go back to school for my doctorate, but that too will have to wait. It is not my season. However, I love the season I am in.
I get to drop off and pick up my kids from school, not everyone can do that. I get to keep Courtney at home most of the time. I have a flexible enough schedule that I can make a doctor appointment, dentist appointment, or schedule surgery for myself or my kids any time or day of the week. With that comes sacrifices I am willing to make because I can't do it all. If I say yes to something I am saying no to something else, and that is okay.
I have learned that in a marriage the feelings love turn into actions of love. Filling up my car with gas, loading my car before a business trip at 6:15am, getting the boys ready and taking them to school at 6:45am every morning he is home so I can work out in the morning, and the list goes one. It is truly the little things.
I have learned that I couldn't be the mom, wife and friend I am today if it weren't for my parents. As I dive deeper into parenthood I understand the importance of being a good role model. I am so thankful for their continuous support through all of our trials and tribulations. They have taught me there is always a solution, never quit, work hard, be fair, be kind, to name a few. Thank you.
Most importantly I have learned what unwavering faith is. It is not something that comes easy, but is the biggest blessing to actually exercise it and leave every worry, sorrow, hurt and pain to Him. Sometimes we get the confirmation that everything will be okay. I now know that okay may not be the answer we want (i.e. I wanted Courtney to be able to hear - that would have made me okay). Well, Courtney is deaf and I am okay. Life is difficult, but I know in the end I will be okay.
As I reflect, I feel humbled at the many blessings I have been given. God is good, life is good!
I have learned that as a parent we will sacrifice everything for their well being, for them to be successful. I have met families who have moved to another country to get the best care/therapy they could find. We are only trying to move to another city and it is difficult, I can't imagine another country!
I have learned that for everything in life there is a season and every person chooses what that season is. For me, I am a mom, a wife and a business owner. I can't be the best athlete, I can be in shape, but running a marathon will have to wait. I want to go back to school for my doctorate, but that too will have to wait. It is not my season. However, I love the season I am in.
I get to drop off and pick up my kids from school, not everyone can do that. I get to keep Courtney at home most of the time. I have a flexible enough schedule that I can make a doctor appointment, dentist appointment, or schedule surgery for myself or my kids any time or day of the week. With that comes sacrifices I am willing to make because I can't do it all. If I say yes to something I am saying no to something else, and that is okay.
I have learned that in a marriage the feelings love turn into actions of love. Filling up my car with gas, loading my car before a business trip at 6:15am, getting the boys ready and taking them to school at 6:45am every morning he is home so I can work out in the morning, and the list goes one. It is truly the little things.
I have learned that I couldn't be the mom, wife and friend I am today if it weren't for my parents. As I dive deeper into parenthood I understand the importance of being a good role model. I am so thankful for their continuous support through all of our trials and tribulations. They have taught me there is always a solution, never quit, work hard, be fair, be kind, to name a few. Thank you.
Most importantly I have learned what unwavering faith is. It is not something that comes easy, but is the biggest blessing to actually exercise it and leave every worry, sorrow, hurt and pain to Him. Sometimes we get the confirmation that everything will be okay. I now know that okay may not be the answer we want (i.e. I wanted Courtney to be able to hear - that would have made me okay). Well, Courtney is deaf and I am okay. Life is difficult, but I know in the end I will be okay.
As I reflect, I feel humbled at the many blessings I have been given. God is good, life is good!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Comal County Fair
Yesterday we went to the annual Comal County Fair. Yesterday also marked the one year anniversary of Courtney's cochlear implant surgery! My mom and I are in debate over if the surgery date or the activation date is her hearing birthday. I am going to go with the activation date so I will wait to write more on her progress until then!
The kids had a blast and it was amazing to see Courtney take in all the fair excitement! Logan loved the kiddy rides and Jeremy... Well, Jeremy scared his mother to death. He decided he wanted to ride a big kid ride. The Super Shoot. This is the one that goes straight up in the air and then just falls down. I was a nervous wreck. He is only 6!!!! Bryan quickly told me that just because I don't like rides doesn't mean I have to hold him back. Hold him back??? He is only 6! Jeremy did it not once, but twice, and we could have won big on America's Funniest Videos for his facial expression as the ride came crashing down. I couldn't watch the first time, but I did the second and it was hilarious!
The boys loved petting the baby animals, but Courtney wasn't so sure. She didn't even want to touch the baby chicks! She kept saying no and bye-bye to the animals. We have gone every year and felt a little sad knowing that it might be our last as New Braunfels residents! (Hopefully!!) Here are a few pictures of the night.
The kids had a blast and it was amazing to see Courtney take in all the fair excitement! Logan loved the kiddy rides and Jeremy... Well, Jeremy scared his mother to death. He decided he wanted to ride a big kid ride. The Super Shoot. This is the one that goes straight up in the air and then just falls down. I was a nervous wreck. He is only 6!!!! Bryan quickly told me that just because I don't like rides doesn't mean I have to hold him back. Hold him back??? He is only 6! Jeremy did it not once, but twice, and we could have won big on America's Funniest Videos for his facial expression as the ride came crashing down. I couldn't watch the first time, but I did the second and it was hilarious!
The boys loved petting the baby animals, but Courtney wasn't so sure. She didn't even want to touch the baby chicks! She kept saying no and bye-bye to the animals. We have gone every year and felt a little sad knowing that it might be our last as New Braunfels residents! (Hopefully!!) Here are a few pictures of the night.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Happy 2nd Birthday Courtney!
Dear Courtney,
I can't believe today is your 2nd birthday already! You have brought us so much joy and on a journey we have learned to embrace. Your sweet spirit and laughter are infectious! I love seeing you interact with your brothers. Through all of the roughness you hold your own. You are a strong willed little girl which can be very difficult now, but later in life will be one of your greatest attributes. "Sassy Pants" is sometimes an understatement!
This last year has been an amazing ride, watching your world open up to sound. You still seem to take so much in visually. I love to watch you and look at your eyes as you take in the sights and sounds around you. You are social and love to blow kisses to everyone, including airplanes, buses and semi trucks! Our family wouldn't be complete without you and we thank our Heavenly Father for you every day!
I look forward to your growth and development this next year. It is hard to envision as we never thought you would dance when you heard music, turn to your name, or light up as we sang Happy Birthday to you. Thank you for choosing us, we love you!
Love you!
Mommy (Moaney)
Saturday, September 12, 2009
I had to post this picture of Courtney in honor of my friend Lisa! She is working so hard to feed her children nothing but nutritious food. She posts excellent healthy recipes, and my kids stuff their faces with sugar loaded cupcakes! Needless to say, I have a lot to learn from her!
Things for the moment have slowed down so I thought I would post some pictures and do a re-cap on life at the Kohlers. After our trip to CA this summer we had to come home and decide where we were going to put Logan for pre-school. Bryan and I both felt that Logan needed something more than daycare and needed a true pre-school. Before we left I had discussed with the director of the Parent Infant Program at Sunshine Cottage, Logan enrolling there but there wasn't a spot. However, when we returned they had made a new class so there was a spot for him. We were thrilled. At the same time they mentioned there was still openings for 1st grade. I ended up going home with two enrollment packets and a lot to discuss with Bryan!
In the end we felt it was best to send the boys there. Courtney will start there next year and go there through 5th grade. It seemed a little crazy to have Logan at one place, Jeremy at one place and Courtney at another. If money grew on trees, we would be able pick everyone up when they got out of school if we paid for after school care. At an extra $200 and something PER child it just wasn't going to work to have them at 3 separate places. So, August 11th they started school.
They are loving it! Logan is in a class with 4 other children, Ms. Judy his teacher and Ms. Amanda the instructional assistant! So far they have baked cookies, made pizzas, done all kinds of craft projects and has named himself "Logan 3". The audiologist that works in his class is named Logan, but she is a girl. My Logan can't get over that a girl can be named Logan, too. His teachers enjoy him and some of the things he says. For example, he was laying down for nap and asked his teacher about the clock. She explained that it was a clock and that it tells time. He asked if it ever stops. She told him that time doesn't really ever stop and that the clock may stop if it needed new batteries. He chewed on that for a few minutes and then said, "Man, those two skinny dudes (the minute and hour hands) never stop."
Jeremy is doing great and loves his other 7 classmates, Ms. Browning his teacher, and Mrs. Rodriguez the instructional assistant. He seems to like all of the subjects and loves to read. He talks the most about science. They take a lot of field trips at Sunshine Cottage and he is really looking forward to those!!
Courtney still goes once per week and her annual evaluation showed that she is functioning in the 15-18 month range. However, she has mastered many of the skills in the 18-24 month range. According to all of the assessments we did, she knows over 200 words and can say around 50. Her latest audiogram shosw that she can hear at 30db across all frequencies and 20db for some speech sounds. The goal is to be between 25 and 35db so she is right where she needs to be for now. It is just so exciting to see her growth and development!
With all of that good there is a little craziness. Sunshine Cottage is 35 miles away from New Braunfels. Which doesn't sound too bad except we do the roundtrip twice per day for a grand total of 700 miles per week. The trip in the morning takes a minimum of an hour one way because we are heading into San Antonio. So, we have put our house on the market to see if we can sell it and move a little closer to San Antonio. We have shown our house a few times, but no bites yet. We are keeping our fingers crossed!
During the middle of it all, Courtney and I flew to Utah to visit my good friend Missy. She recently had a baby and I just had to meet him and her daughter, Ashlyn, who is a month younger than Courtney. We had a great time!
Thank you Mike and Missy! Hopefully we will all be out this winter!
Bryan celebrated his 31st birthday yesterday! We didn't do anything big, just had dinner at home and yummy cupcakes for dessert! The boys really wanted to get him a work watch, so we picked one out at Academy. They were too cute about it. We started a new family tradition, inspired by another Kohler family. It's called the Birthday Box. We cut out all kinds of shapes from construction paper. I asked the kids why they loved Daddy and put one reason on each piece of paper. I added mine as well and a few from Courtney. A few highlights were: Logan - "I love Daddy because he lets us pick out the carts." (the cool car cart at the grocery store that I never get because I can't maneuver it!) Jeremy - " I love Daddy because he loves us all." Courtney - "I love Daddy because he blow dries my hair." (Bryan really does this after he gives her a bath - I love it!)
All in all life is good at the Kohlers! Hopefully I will do better at updating rather than waiting 2 months!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Happy 6th Birthday Jeremy!
Dear Jeremy,
I can't believe you are 6 today. You are growing up so fast! You are turning into such a polite young boy. Daddy and I can't thank you enough for all of your help with Logan and Courtney. You are kind, loving, and tender hearted. We miss you very much, but know you are having so much fun in California with your grandparents.
Over the past year you started school and are reading above grade level. You have a love of learning and your mind never stops, or your mouth for that matter! You started racing BMX bikes with Daddy and are doing quite well with it. It was also your first year for soccer and T-Ball. When the "little ones" are napping you always whip out the crayons and color pages upon pages. And, for some reason, you love to sing and can actually carry a tune!! You love to go to church and say the most heart felt prayers. We are so thankful we have you as part of our family. You are strong, determined and a great role model for your little brother and sister.
Thank you so much for the best 6 years! We can't wait for the next 6 and many more to come.
Hey buddy!!!! I want to wish you a happy 6th birthday. You are growing up so fast. I'm very proud of the little man you are becoming. I'm so proud of how polite and thoughtful you are. We'll race bikes more when you get back to Texas. I love you Jeremy!!! -Dad
Friday, June 26, 2009
One Year
A year ago today we began Courtney's journey into the hearing world. We have come a long way since this day last year!
This morning Logan ended up in my bed and Courtney was in the pack and play in my room as well. As soon as she spotted me she hopped up and yelled, "MOM!" I love it! Thank you Courtney!
This morning Logan ended up in my bed and Courtney was in the pack and play in my room as well. As soon as she spotted me she hopped up and yelled, "MOM!" I love it! Thank you Courtney!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
"Bobpa" and "Daddy"
This Father's Day the kids and I were able to spend the day with my dad. We went to I Hop for breakfast, Dad's favorite, and just enjoyed hanging out at home. Unfortunately, Bryan was, and still is in Texas. The kids really miss him, especially Logan. We will celebrate Bryan next week when he joins us in CA.
I think the best gift that any of us could give Bryan and my dad came from Courtney... Almost one year ago to the day we never thought that hearing her say "Bobpa" clear as day to my dad and "Daddy" clear as day to Bryan would mean so much.
And, that little stinker says, "Momo" for my mom, and "Gigi" for Bryan's grandma and a whole lot of nothing for Mommy!!! What the heck is all that about?! Soon enough, I know!
I think the best gift that any of us could give Bryan and my dad came from Courtney... Almost one year ago to the day we never thought that hearing her say "Bobpa" clear as day to my dad and "Daddy" clear as day to Bryan would mean so much.
And, that little stinker says, "Momo" for my mom, and "Gigi" for Bryan's grandma and a whole lot of nothing for Mommy!!! What the heck is all that about?! Soon enough, I know!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
End of Year
I can't believe that Jeremy has already completed kindergarten! He had a great year and learned a lot. He is reading above grade level and is excited about first grade. For the end of the year they had a little graduation and awards ceremony. I wasn't able to make it to the awards ceremony, but I did make it to the graduation. They were all pretty cute!
Jeremy also finished up T-Ball. He enjoyed it, but likes racing his BMX more. He and Bryan raced last night with Bryan taking 2nd in his age group and Jeremy 3rd! I think it is great that they can share that together. Logan can't wait until he is big enough to join them. We tried to all go as a family, but Courtney and Logan were under the weather so maybe next time!
Jeremy also finished up T-Ball. He enjoyed it, but likes racing his BMX more. He and Bryan raced last night with Bryan taking 2nd in his age group and Jeremy 3rd! I think it is great that they can share that together. Logan can't wait until he is big enough to join them. We tried to all go as a family, but Courtney and Logan were under the weather so maybe next time!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
1.5 Miles
The best news of the day is that after not running for months, I was able to run 1.5 miles in my hilly neighborhood without dying! I think if I was on flat ground I truly could have done 2-2.5, but I might be completely full of it and just tyring to make myself feel good! Either way, I am so glad I did it! I kept in mind my good friend who has 8 month old twins and already built up to 8+ miles. What is my excuse? Great motivation - thank you Lisa!
On the not so good, but okay news, our PHENOMENAL audiologist is retiring. What? The wonderful ones are supposed to work forever!! We both cried today! She is looking forward to spending time with her husband and her grand babies. I can't fault her there and hope she truly enjoys her retirement.
And, last, but not least on the not so good, but okay news, Logan has to have eye surgery again! We patch for 6 weeks and then go back on July 16th to see if that resolved the issue. However, the doctor thinks we will still have to re-do the surgery. At his follow up today the doctor was hoping to have more of an improvement. Bummer! We are hoping that we will be able to schedule it when Momo and Bobpa are here at the end of July to help out with kiddo logistics.
On the not so good, but okay news, our PHENOMENAL audiologist is retiring. What? The wonderful ones are supposed to work forever!! We both cried today! She is looking forward to spending time with her husband and her grand babies. I can't fault her there and hope she truly enjoys her retirement.
And, last, but not least on the not so good, but okay news, Logan has to have eye surgery again! We patch for 6 weeks and then go back on July 16th to see if that resolved the issue. However, the doctor thinks we will still have to re-do the surgery. At his follow up today the doctor was hoping to have more of an improvement. Bummer! We are hoping that we will be able to schedule it when Momo and Bobpa are here at the end of July to help out with kiddo logistics.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Okay, so I am feeling a bit emotional! The good news is we met with the geneticist yesterday and Courtney does not appear to have any type of syndrome. She is growing and progressing normally and we just need to continue working on her speech and listening skills. There is one genetic test we can do which is for a mutation in the Connexin 30 gene. More than likely we will do this blood test to see if that is the cause of her hearing impairment. Other than that we are thankful that she is a healthy beautiful little girl!
There really isn't any bad news other than this overwhelming feeling of mommy guilt I hold. Most of the time I feel like Courtney is doing great, but then I wonder if she would say more than her few words if I worked with her more. I get all crazy in my head with so many strategies that maybe I am not focusing enough on the correct ones? We narrate everything, I am sure I could read more, I haven't pulled out the animals in a while, but we do work on, up, down, open, close, on, off ALL of the time, and of course the Ling sounds. She can hear things that I never thought she would, but then she doesn't reflect that in the sound booth?!
Am I not working with her enough? It seems on the days I am supposed to work with her (Tuesdays and Thursdays) they become errand and appointment days and we really don't get any good quiet time in. Oh I feel torn. I know deep down she is doing well, but I would be lying if I said I didn't get a small pang inside when I see other hearing children her age and she is behind. Even her stinkin' teeth are behind! Almost 20 months and only one tooth!
Okay....... I am okay, I just needed to get it out.
There really isn't any bad news other than this overwhelming feeling of mommy guilt I hold. Most of the time I feel like Courtney is doing great, but then I wonder if she would say more than her few words if I worked with her more. I get all crazy in my head with so many strategies that maybe I am not focusing enough on the correct ones? We narrate everything, I am sure I could read more, I haven't pulled out the animals in a while, but we do work on, up, down, open, close, on, off ALL of the time, and of course the Ling sounds. She can hear things that I never thought she would, but then she doesn't reflect that in the sound booth?!
Am I not working with her enough? It seems on the days I am supposed to work with her (Tuesdays and Thursdays) they become errand and appointment days and we really don't get any good quiet time in. Oh I feel torn. I know deep down she is doing well, but I would be lying if I said I didn't get a small pang inside when I see other hearing children her age and she is behind. Even her stinkin' teeth are behind! Almost 20 months and only one tooth!
Okay....... I am okay, I just needed to get it out.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Bryan and I had a wonderful time in Hawaii once we finally got there! Due to bad weather in Dallas we were delayed in San Antonio which caused us to miss our connecting flight in Dallas to Honolulu. Once we arrived in Dallas we ran through the airport and jumped on another flight to Las Angeles. From there we had a two hour layover and then made it to Honolulu and to the resort around 10:30pm 3:30am Texas time. We were tired, but glad to finally be there!
Little did we know while we were busy flying around the country, our sweet little Jeremy was mooning his classmates! Yes, I said mooning!! I have a mooner! As Bryan and I are out on our fist adventure to Pearl Harbor I decide to check my voice mail. Jeremy's teacher called saying that there was an "incident". Apparently a few boys thought it would be funny to play "Ennie, Meannie, Minnie, Moe.." and the one who was chosen was to pull their pants down and show their booty. Later I found out that he wasn't the only mooner and I have to admit, it made me feel a little better!
Late that same day I received a text saying that Jeremy got his knee stuck in the bleachers at gymnastics with Miss Stacy. It only took 20 minutes, 5 people and a bar of soap to get it out, but they did and he was fine. When we first got the text Bryan was worried that they had to call the fire department, they didn't, but we had to laugh. To round out the night we got a call from Stacy that the swine flu had hit our county and school was cancelled for two weeks. Oh my gosh!! So much for childcare logistics - all out the window. Thankfully, Stacy took it all in stride and the kids had a blast until Momo and Judy arrived!
For the rest of the week I was worried to check my phone! Bryan and I loved the resort! We toured around went to Pearl Harbor, Ford Island, Waikiki Beach (didn't like it), the North Shore (loved it), the temple, Polynesian Cultural Center, and much more. It was so nice to get away and reconnect. We are already planning a trip back Thanksgiving 2010 with my parents and the kids.
Momo, Judy and I had a great time once we did get home. They stayed for a few more days and it was wonderful. We had a lot of laughs! Thanks again Momo, Judy and Stacy for watching the kids - we can't thank you enough!
Here are a few pics from our trip and a few of the kids while we were gone!
Little did we know while we were busy flying around the country, our sweet little Jeremy was mooning his classmates! Yes, I said mooning!! I have a mooner! As Bryan and I are out on our fist adventure to Pearl Harbor I decide to check my voice mail. Jeremy's teacher called saying that there was an "incident". Apparently a few boys thought it would be funny to play "Ennie, Meannie, Minnie, Moe.." and the one who was chosen was to pull their pants down and show their booty. Later I found out that he wasn't the only mooner and I have to admit, it made me feel a little better!
Late that same day I received a text saying that Jeremy got his knee stuck in the bleachers at gymnastics with Miss Stacy. It only took 20 minutes, 5 people and a bar of soap to get it out, but they did and he was fine. When we first got the text Bryan was worried that they had to call the fire department, they didn't, but we had to laugh. To round out the night we got a call from Stacy that the swine flu had hit our county and school was cancelled for two weeks. Oh my gosh!! So much for childcare logistics - all out the window. Thankfully, Stacy took it all in stride and the kids had a blast until Momo and Judy arrived!
For the rest of the week I was worried to check my phone! Bryan and I loved the resort! We toured around went to Pearl Harbor, Ford Island, Waikiki Beach (didn't like it), the North Shore (loved it), the temple, Polynesian Cultural Center, and much more. It was so nice to get away and reconnect. We are already planning a trip back Thanksgiving 2010 with my parents and the kids.
Momo, Judy and I had a great time once we did get home. They stayed for a few more days and it was wonderful. We had a lot of laughs! Thanks again Momo, Judy and Stacy for watching the kids - we can't thank you enough!
Here are a few pics from our trip and a few of the kids while we were gone!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Just Another Day at T-Ball
Things are moving along nicely here at the Kohler house - thank goodness because Mommy and Daddy are off to Hawaii for a week on Monday!! Yahoo!! It is a bit of a logistical nightmare coordinating the kids with friends, but fortunately Stacy, Momo and Miss Judy are jumping in! Thank you! I am anxious to see how the week goes while we are gone - especially after today.
While at Jeremy's Tball practice, Logan (potty training) decided to take his pants off at the playground and tee tee! From a distance it looked like he was peeing on a little girl! Another mom hollers at me to look and the mother of the little girl and I run across the field to check it out. Meanwhile I totally leave Courtney in the dust! Bryan is on shift, of course! It turns out he was just showing her that he peed on his shorts on accident and couldn't pull up his underwear. It was a good teaching moment about being polite and not peeing outside or in front of girls. And, to tell Mommy or Daddy when you have to go, not to just whip it out! During my lovely teaching moment I hear another mother yell, "Ma'am, uh, your daughter..." Courtney had walked clear across the field and is half way up the stairs to the jungle gym. Holy crap!
I scooped her up and gathered my kids to headed back - a bit embarrassed and wondering what all the other people think of the Kohlers?! Especially, since at this point Courtney was walking dragging Jeremy's bat. Jeremy was proud of his hat full of rocks he collected during practice, rather than actually practicing. And Logan was walking in nothing but a T-shirt, red monkey underwear and blue crocs! All I could do was laugh! The sad thing is that is about par for the course for me!!
While at Jeremy's Tball practice, Logan (potty training) decided to take his pants off at the playground and tee tee! From a distance it looked like he was peeing on a little girl! Another mom hollers at me to look and the mother of the little girl and I run across the field to check it out. Meanwhile I totally leave Courtney in the dust! Bryan is on shift, of course! It turns out he was just showing her that he peed on his shorts on accident and couldn't pull up his underwear. It was a good teaching moment about being polite and not peeing outside or in front of girls. And, to tell Mommy or Daddy when you have to go, not to just whip it out! During my lovely teaching moment I hear another mother yell, "Ma'am, uh, your daughter..." Courtney had walked clear across the field and is half way up the stairs to the jungle gym. Holy crap!
I scooped her up and gathered my kids to headed back - a bit embarrassed and wondering what all the other people think of the Kohlers?! Especially, since at this point Courtney was walking dragging Jeremy's bat. Jeremy was proud of his hat full of rocks he collected during practice, rather than actually practicing. And Logan was walking in nothing but a T-shirt, red monkey underwear and blue crocs! All I could do was laugh! The sad thing is that is about par for the course for me!!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Check 1
Her blood work came in normal for thyroid. On Monday we will have more details as to our next steps and which geneticist we will be seeing.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
18 Months and Many Milestones
So, it has been a difficult couple of months as I have worried about Courtney's growth, lack of teeth, inability to walk, and talk for that matter, but things are looking up! As Courtney turns the corner into her 18th month of life she has not one, but two little white specks pushing through her top gums! This was huge for us since we are in the process of getting blood work done to rule out any endocrine issues such as hypo pituitary or hypo thyroid problems.
Not only can Courtney walk, but she can talk!!! Exactly 6 months after she was implanted (not activated) she said her first word, "Uh-oh!" It has taken me a couple of days for it all to sink in. My little girl who is profoundly deaf has been able to hear me tell her over and over again, "Uh-oh," when something drops to the ground, and now she too, can say it - she can hear!
This is a long way from here! The sorrow and devastation we felt 9 months ago is slowly fading away. I never thought I would drop so much stuff just to hear her sweet voice! Here are a few other things she knows (receptively) with no visual cues:
Sit on your bottom
Knock, Knock (she will knock)
Wave bye-bye
Blow kisses
Do you want more? (She will nod her head yes)
Where's the horsey, Mommy, or Daddy? (Points)
We love you Baby Girl! We can't wait for the next 9 months to unfold to see what all you can do!
Not only can Courtney walk, but she can talk!!! Exactly 6 months after she was implanted (not activated) she said her first word, "Uh-oh!" It has taken me a couple of days for it all to sink in. My little girl who is profoundly deaf has been able to hear me tell her over and over again, "Uh-oh," when something drops to the ground, and now she too, can say it - she can hear!
This is a long way from here! The sorrow and devastation we felt 9 months ago is slowly fading away. I never thought I would drop so much stuff just to hear her sweet voice! Here are a few other things she knows (receptively) with no visual cues:
Sit on your bottom
Knock, Knock (she will knock)
Wave bye-bye
Blow kisses
Do you want more? (She will nod her head yes)
Where's the horsey, Mommy, or Daddy? (Points)
We love you Baby Girl! We can't wait for the next 9 months to unfold to see what all you can do!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Congratulations Bryan!

Congratulations on your promotion to Specialist, or in civilian terms "driver". I am so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. All of your hard work has paid off and you deserve nothing but the best! Through this crazy year you have stayed strong, helped me keep my feet on the ground and followed your dreams. I can't thank you enough for all that you do for our family. You are an amazing example to me and our beautiful children. I know this promotion was bitter sweet leaving your 18's family, but a new chapter has just begun and I am sure it will be just as good, if not better.
I hope your first shift at 17's C shift was as good as you hoped it would be and as Jeremy says every night during his prayers while you are gone, "Please watch over Daddy and keep him safe while he is at the fire station...."
We love you!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Quick Poll
I am just curious... for those parents whose kids were late teethers, how old were they when one finally popped through?
I realized that I didn't post an update about Courtney's test results... They were normal, well at least a normal infection that should be able to be treated with antibiotic ear drops. So we had to finish out the week (Friday) doing ear drops and were told, "Just give us a call if there is anymore drainage." The next day our audiologist gave us a quick crash course on how to use an otoscope, sent us on our way and said to check for any drainage in her ear on Sunday.
Bryan and I were a bit skeptical on how this would work since you can't poke it in too far or it will hurt her, have to all but strap her down to look in her right ear, and have to hold the otoscope a certain way to move with her head when she moves so we don't jam the tip in her ear. So we couldn't check until today when she wasn't so fired up, and yep, you guessed it, there is still fluid in her ear! We were looking for "bone dry" and that wasn't the case. Anything white, green, yellow, etc. would not be good. Since I have only looked in an ear three times, not quite a professional, I wasn't sure what color it was, but it wasn't dry. Luckily, we go back to see our audiologist tomorrow for a mapping and she can give us the for sure thumbs up or down as to whether or not we call good ol' Dr. Syms!
The good thing is she hasn't run any fever. I just would like her right ear to be just as "bone dry" as her left!
Bryan and I were a bit skeptical on how this would work since you can't poke it in too far or it will hurt her, have to all but strap her down to look in her right ear, and have to hold the otoscope a certain way to move with her head when she moves so we don't jam the tip in her ear. So we couldn't check until today when she wasn't so fired up, and yep, you guessed it, there is still fluid in her ear! We were looking for "bone dry" and that wasn't the case. Anything white, green, yellow, etc. would not be good. Since I have only looked in an ear three times, not quite a professional, I wasn't sure what color it was, but it wasn't dry. Luckily, we go back to see our audiologist tomorrow for a mapping and she can give us the for sure thumbs up or down as to whether or not we call good ol' Dr. Syms!
The good thing is she hasn't run any fever. I just would like her right ear to be just as "bone dry" as her left!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
A small delight!
After 16 months and 21 days, Courtney can walk! I knew eventually she would, but with her hearing impairment I was worried something else might be wrong. Even though I knew her brain was more focused on listening and processing sounds than developing her motor skills, I absolutely couldn't wait for her to walk! We are still holding out for teeth, but at least we know they are up there somewhere!
This is just the treat our family needed as we wait for the results on Monday to find out what is causing Courtney to have an ear infection since December 23rd! Dr. Syms took three cultures on Thursday and we are hoping it is nothing serious. We may have to consult with an infectious disease doctor depending on the results. So... we shall see!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Happy Birthday Logan!

Our little LoMan is 3 today and I can't believe it! He keeps us laughing all of the time and is recovering well from his eye surgery on Friday. We had his birthday party in California last weekend with his cousins - what a blast! Today Bryan is on shift so a friend of mine, Logan, Jeremy, Courtney and I had a lazy day, hung out and had cupcakes.
We love you LoMan!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
First Place

During Bryan's early teens he started BMX bike racing. He was pretty good at it and continued off and on until we had Jeremy. Since Jeremy learned how to ride a bike he has become more interested in BMX bikes and racing. Bryan could not be more excited to have his son interested in something he did! We found a racing bike on Craig's List for Jeremy on Thursday and went to pick it up in Austin. It just so happened that there was a race at the Lonestar track in San Antonio.
We loaded everyone up in the car and off to SA we went. The kids all had a great time despite the cold weather. Bryan was quite nervous as to whether or not Jeremy was really going to like it when he got out on the track. Let me tell you, he had nothing to worry about! After a few practice runs, and several crashes, Jeremy along with three other 5 and under riders took the track. Jeremy not only won the first moto, he smoked 'em!!
Because he won the first moto he automatically qualified for the main race. I am not sure who was more nervous for the race, Bryan or Jeremy! Before Jeremy's big race they had a cookie monster run where Logan got to race his hot wheel and loved it.
After Logan's victory stroll it was time for Jeremy to race again. Oh, he was the cutest thing you have ever seen! He took off, pedaled the entire time and took first place! He did so good!! Bryan was so proud of him, we all were. He got a first place plaque that is already hung on the wall. However, we overheard him tell Gigi that Logan got the best prize for "winning" his race, Little Debbie donuts. We had to laugh!
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