Sunday, May 31, 2009

End of Year

I can't believe that Jeremy has already completed kindergarten! He had a great year and learned a lot. He is reading above grade level and is excited about first grade. For the end of the year they had a little graduation and awards ceremony. I wasn't able to make it to the awards ceremony, but I did make it to the graduation. They were all pretty cute!

Jeremy also finished up T-Ball. He enjoyed it, but likes racing his BMX more. He and Bryan raced last night with Bryan taking 2nd in his age group and Jeremy 3rd! I think it is great that they can share that together. Logan can't wait until he is big enough to join them. We tried to all go as a family, but Courtney and Logan were under the weather so maybe next time!


Melissa said...

i cant believe that Jeremy graduaded! I for sure thought that he would be held back :) (can that happen in k-garden) how sad if so. he has gotten huge. a split image of Brian that is for sure. acutally all the kids are a split image of him.
how exciting to see him and malia together. how much bigger both of them have gotten. we miss you too.

britni said...

MAKE HIM SERIOUSLY STOP GROWING! Man he is a cutie! I bet he is going to miss Malia like crazy! Crongrats Jeremy!