Friday, September 17, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The Texas Move
I had to post my mom's version of the big move to San Antonio. Thanks for helping Mom and Dad - we definitely couldn't have done it without you guys!
We should have known that things would not go as anticipated when the phone message from Southwest Airlines came through as Bob and I were driving across the Richmond/San Raphael bridge on our way to the Oakland airport early on July 20. The automated voice cheerfully told us that our flight from Oakland to Los Angeles had been cancelled and to call back for more information. Frantically digging through the car’s center console, I located a scrap of paper and a pen to jot down our new flight information. Southwest had put us on a later flight, making the connection time in Los Angles about 25 minutes. Luckily we arrived at the Oakland airport with time to spare and were able to make an earlier flight to Los Angeles with a longer layover there, which enabled us to make the connecting flight to San Antonio without a hitch.
Karen, Jeremy, Logan and Courtney met us at the San Antonio airport and we headed directly north to Clear Springs for dinner. Bryan and Joey met us there with Julie Allen who was presenting a volleyball camp not far from there. Bob and I had been visiting with Julie’s parents and brother at Clear Lake, California the day before! Everyone thoroughly enjoyed their meal consisting of the best onion rings, fried shrimp and sweet tea anywhere! After dinner, Bryan and Joey took Julie back to Kyle, TX and the rest of us piled in the minivan and drove back to New Braunfels. Once home, we immediately started bubble wrapping and packing, still not sure exactly when escrow would close and the keys to the new house would be available.
Wednesday, July 21 escrow finally closes! We spent the entire day packing as the movers were scheduled to call the next day between 11:30 and 1:00 to let us know when they could come to load up. Bryan picked up his cousin Jamie, at the San Antonio airport at 11:30 that night. She was coming for an extended weekend to attend a conference with Karen’s company in San Antonio.
Thursday, July 22 the movers called around 9:30 AM to say they were on their way! Needless to say, we were not ready for them as we thought we had more time and still did not have the keys to the new house. Bryan and Bob filled the minivan and pickup with miscellaneous stuff from the garage and headed to San Antonio. On the way they learned the keys were available.
Jamie went with Stacey for Education Alliance training and Karen, armed with cleaning supplies drove to the new house to frantically clean the kitchen before the movers arrived. That left Joey, all three kids and me at the house to finish packing and direct the movers. Once the movers arrived and looked at all the furniture and boxes they said they would have to make two trips. It was hot, humidity was high and the kids had all their toys packed with the exception of one small box full of cars. They went outside to play and it was not long until we heard Courtney crying. Apparently she and Logan got tangled up in the swings and Courtney landed in the dirt. She was not hurt, just covered in the powdery soil.
The movers left with the first load and Joey and I held down the fort with the kids. Bryan ordered pizza for us and he and Bob returned for another load. It was sometime during the time the movers were making their second loading when Logan found the small frog by the open front door. We had to do some fast talking to persuade him not to bring the little frog inside!
Stacey dropped Jamie off late that afternoon and we boxed up the master bedroom while Joey tried to entertain three tired kids with no toys. Bob and Bryan arrived around 6:00 PM for one more load. Bryan took Joey and Jeremy while Bob and I had two exhausted little ones. They were asleep before we got out of the neighborhood!
We had Rudy’s for dinner and hauled the mattresses upstairs for the boys, Courtney, and Bob and I. We could not put any other furniture upstairs as new carpet was being installed on Monday, which was three days away. That meant almost everything was piled to the ceiling in the garage – furniture, boxes, bicycles, etc. Bryan and Bob did manage to get the new TV stand assembled and the TV hooked up in the Great Room.
Karen and Jamie did not spend that night or the next two nights at the new house as they were staying at the River Walk Marriott’s for the conference. We staggered upstairs to sleep on our mattresses on the floor to get ready for the next day. However, our rest was short lived. Logan was up at 1:30 AM sick with the 24 hour bug that Jeremy had before we arrived on Tuesday. I bathed Logan, Bryan washed bedding and Joey staggered around wondering what in the world he had signed up for! Logan was sick all night until close to 5:30 AM.
Friday, July 23 Logan was limp and tired and just wanted to be held most of the day. However, Scott, the electrician was scheduled to arrive at 9:00 AM to install six ceiling fans and repair several outlets in the kitchen. We were glad to see Scott as it was very HOT upstairs! We all started unpacking what we could. Logan was sick one last time.
That afternoon a Time-Warner cable technician came to turn on the HD service and check the Internet cables. Bryan wanted to add two more cable drops, but the worker said it was too hot to go up in the attic and to call to schedule an appointment in the morning when it was cooler.
Later that evening we walked down to the community pool to cool off and relax a little. By then Logan was feeling fine.
Saturday, July 24 we continued to unpack. Bryan and Bob made a run to the dump. We were amazed at all the trash we had accumulated in such a short time. Then we had to reshuffle all the furniture and boxes in the garage as Rachel decided to take the extra set of living room furniture – two couches, a sofa chair, and ottoman plus all the pillows. Of course all that big furniture was stacked in the back of the garage. Bryan made a run to HEB for chocolate cake and ice cream as it was my birthday. We were too tired to celebrate!
Sunday, July 25 Bryan went back to work and we continued to unpack all that we could. Karen and Jamie arrived home around 9:00 PM – just in time to snuggle Courtney, who had come down with the 24 hour bug and had thrown up earlier. Naturally, she only wanted her mom. Courtney and Karen were up all night.
Monday, July 26 the Lowe’s carpet installers arrived around 9:00 AM and began working upstairs. Bob and Joey were hit with the 24 hour bug and were down for the count. Once Bryan got home he and I began unloading the garage and carrying all the bedroom furniture for the boys room, Courtney’s room and Joey’s room upstairs. Karen had to work and Jamie went to the airport for her flight back home, so it was mostly Bryan and I. Later Bryan admitted that he did not feel 100% that day either!
Tuesday, July 27 the roofing insulation team arrived in the morning to blow in insulation in the attic, located in the boy’s room. We placed flattened boxes where we could so the workers would not track dirt and insulation on the new carpet. Thankfully, no damage was done! We decided to take a break and walked to the swimming pool for a dip.
Wednesday, July 28 Bryan went back to work in Austin and the cleaning lady, Daney, arrived at 10:00 AM. Karen had a long list of things for her to work on. She wasn’t there long, when the Time-Warner technician arrived to install the two additional cable connections in the front playroom or Wii Room, as Joey called it, and in Joey’s bedroom upstairs. The technician was supposed to go up in the attic, but as he was 6’8” and the attic floor was hard to see with all the insulation that was blown in the day before, he decided it would be best to run the cable around the outside of the house and then inside. He was in and out, up on a ladder and working hard. In a little while another technician showed up to help him. Karen went outside to deal with the next door neighbor who was unhappy that the cleaning lady’s car was partially in her driveway when she noticed the first technician sitting on the porch sweating profusely. It was hot, but not that hot. Karen asked him if he felt all right and if he would like to come inside for a drink of water and to cool off. He decided to come in, saying he felt a little dizzy. He continued to sweat buckets. His clothes were drenched in sweat. By then the other technician was inside as well and we all decided it was time to call 911. Bob and Joey had gone to Best Buy to look for some CDs and missed all the action.
A San Antonio fire engine roared up to the house, lights and siren on. After checking his vital signs, the technician decided he would have his friend drive him to the ER. When he tried to stand up, he was too dizzy so the paramedics were called and they loaded him up and off they went to the ER.
The paramedics had barely left the house when two men showed up from Lowe’s to install the new dishwasher! It didn’t take them long to move the old dishwasher out to the garage for Rachel and to install the new quiet stainless steel dishwasher.
That evening we decided to go to Chipolte for dinner, but I was hit with the 24 hour bug and remained at home. Afterwards, everyone else watched The Blind Side and ate popcorn while I remained upstairs.
Thursday, July 29 we continued to unpack. Karen and I decided to take a little break while Bob and Bryan were out shopping and Courtney was napping when Logan came running into the Great Room shouting, “There’s a flood, there’s a flood!” The downstairs toilet had overflowed! Luckily, Bryan and Bob walked in the door at that moment.
Shawn came by that afternoon to look at the hot tub and to figure out the best way to remove it and repair the damage.
We were still working our way through the garage trying to unpack all the boxes that are stacked there. That evening after dinner, Karen and I went to Target to shop for school supplies for Jeremy, Logan and Courtney.
Friday, July 30 Bryan was mowing the lawns and attacking a flowerbed in the front yard when he spotted the Rotor-Rooter truck across the street. They came over when they were finished and worked on the downstairs toilets. One toilet has bad plumbing and the other bathroom needs a toilet replaced!
Saturday, July 31 was the night Karen and I killed Sputnik, the wireless router. We were trying to set up the new wireless printer. Luckily, it was only temporary and Sputnik was up and running again by 2:00 AM.
Sunday, August 1 Bryan was back at work. We all decided to go to Mimi’s for breakfast. Karen had been there once before, so we only got a little lost. Breakfast was delicious, but that night Karen was hit with the 24 hour bug!
Monday, August 2 Karen had to work in New Braunfels. A neighbor brought over a box of cakeballs, a delicious treat. Bob and I decided to go to Clear Springs for a shrimp lunch and pick up some plastic chairs for the deck that were on sale at Target. For some unknown reason, I decided to sit on one of the plastic tables. There was a horrible screeching sound. Bob looked over and all four legs of the table were pancaked with me on top! I bounced right up, we loaded the chairs in the basket and shot out of Target. Luckily I did not break the table! We laughed all the way home.
Tuesday, August 3 Karen had to work again and we continued to move boxes from the garage. That evening Karen and I took Jeremy to the mall to the Build-A-Bear Workshop and to buy new school clothes.
Wednesday, August 4 we went to Sunshine Cottage to see the new campus. It is beautiful – a state of the art facility. Jeremy, Logan and Courtney all got to meet their teachers. Bob and I packed our suitcases and Karen took us to the airport a little early on her way to a meeting. We were delayed about 30 minutes in Denver and arrived home at 12:30 AM. I slept most of the way home!
I had to write this down as no one would believe all we went through in two short weeks!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
AG Bell
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
First, Courtney LOVES the water! She has no fear, which is scary! Since it has been so hot, a few weeks ago I took all 3 kids by myself to the YMCA. Yes, I know, I am crazy! The boys were awesome. They knew where to stay and always called out when I called to them. Courtney was a crazy girl! She would get out, run around, jump in. Over and over again! The other people in the pool were looking and thinking this girl does not behave as I kept telling her not to run, etc. Everyone was nice and once I explained they helped me try to contain her! While I was dying inside because she couldn't hear me, she was having the time of her life. She has also discovered if she takes her CIs off and doesn't look at me or if she closes her eyes then she doesn't have to obey. Oh, it was crazy! There was none of this I am embarrassed to be in a swimsuit on my part. I was leaping up, down, running through shallow water, up on the edge of the pool, etc. to ensure she didn't go under.
After about an hour I was exhausted! I put her "ears" back on and talked about everything we did in the pool. A few days later we went again to a friend's neighborhood pool. She did great! This time she wanted to wear a life jacket since Logan was. We stayed in the kitty pool and she go the hang of getting her feet under her, hollering for help when she needed it, etc. After 3 hours we were done and I have to admit I was glad to put her "ears" back on to talk about our day and hear her voice again. She talks a little without the CIs on, but nothing like when they are on.
I am working on an experience book to give her the language for all of the things we do and see while at the pool. Especially no running or jumping in without an adult!! I am glad we finally "dove" into swimming! You can't live in Texas and not get in the water!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Guitar Lessons
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Blood Work Results
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Plan of Action
Two weeks ago this Thursday Courtney finished a 10 day round of augmentin and one week's worth of antibiotic drops. I was starting to either worry or hope, I am not sure which one, that her ear was going to be all cleared up and we weren't going to have any more problems. This would be good if it were really the end, but bad since we had the appointment scheduled with the doctor for today. Did the antibiotics really work? If it wasn't draining yet, would the doctor still take it seriously and move forward with an action plan? I just wanted a concrete plan.
I think with a little divine intervention, Courtney woke up this morning with drainage. I know this seems terrible that I wanted her to have drainage. It is kind of like that squeak in your car that you want fixed, but whenever you take your car in it doesn't do it! You want it to squeak, I wanted it to drain! And it did! So here is the plan!
We had blood work done today which wasn't easy, but she did it. Thankfully we did at Methodist Children's so they had tiny needles, yet it still took a stick in each arm to get enough blood for today. She has to go back again to do the rest because they are only allowed to take a certain amount of blood in one day. The bottom line is the doctor wants to check her immune system more thoroughly, boost it and find out why she can't clear up the infection completely.
To start off we are on two types of antibiotics for 14 days versus the normal 10. She is on a stronger dose of augmentin and rifampin. She did warn me, thank goodness, that rifampin will cause her tears, urine, snot, etc. to be orange so don't freak out! She is leaving drops to Dr. Not so Happy to prescribe tomorrow at our follow up from the ear infection that is already back! We will go back to her in two weeks to get all of our results and determine our next steps based on the results, etc.
In the meantime she ordered a regular ol' CBC which will basically measure the concentration of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets in the blood. She also ordered autoimmune deficiency testing for subclasses Ig C, Ig E, Ig M, Ig I, Ig G, and Ig A. In addition to that she did the pneumococcal titers (14 serotypes). This will determine if Courtney fails to make an antibody response to any of the 14 serotypes. One of the tests we have to still do is the allergy RAST test which will determine if the drainage is allergy related and the infection is really a secondary infection. Apparently this test alone takes up the one day allotment that can be taken from Sassy Pants. After the blood draw, she got a dose of the pneumovax! The thought behind this was to boost her immune system and cover more types of pneumococcus. And last, but not least she ordered a streptococcus pneumoniae urine test. From my understanding this will test if streptococcus pneumoniae is in her urine, but I don't know at this point, why that is important! This by the way, has to be done on a non potty trained little girl and taken to San Antonio on ice within 4 hours after she goes. Okay Heavenly Father, a little more divine intervention might be needed here!! Timing this between the commute to school, work, doctors appointments and a non cooperative 2 year old should be interesting!!!
The only other thing she would like to do is to have her vaccinated with the newly FDA approved Prevnar 13. This was just approved February 24, 2010 and will cover 13 strains of bacteria versus the 7. Because Courtney had the other vaccine today she wants to wait for one month.
Okay, that was more medical talk than I know what to do with!! I feel really good about this plan and really good about this doctor! She wants a handle on this, wants to know why she continues to have these ear infections AND she has a plan!! I will keep you all posted!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Reaching Out
Courtney has chronic ear infections with drainage. We do countless rounds of oral antibiotics, and I think we have gone through at least a half dozen bottles of antibiotic drops. It will clear up and then within a few weeks to a month, at the most, it will begin draining again. It is always the right ear, we are on our second set of PE tubes and have done an adenoidectomy. We have ruled out a biofilm and an infected implant due to two cultures a year apart, but both came back with the pneumococcal bacteria.
This past week we went back to Dr.Not so Happy with Him Right Now and found out the recent culture showed pneumococcal bacteria. He prescribed oral antibiotics and drops and sent us back to our pediatrician - what? You are the ear doctor!! He said that he was not okay with the situation, but since the implant wasn't infected we needed to go to the pedi to explore blood work for an immune deficiency and possible discuss seeing an infectious disease doctor. So, I am at an ear "expert" and you are sending me to my pedi with a chronic ear infection!?
I was able to get in yesterday with our pedi, he was great, but obviously isn't familiar with everything with cochlear implants, etc. We did the blood work which came back normal and he said there isn't anything more he can do. What? What the heck am I supposed to do now!? I called our pedi ENT office for a 2nd opinion or something, but can't get in until April 26th!
Has anyone experienced chronic ear infections like this? There normally isn't fever, but always drainage with or without odor and turns tan or yellow or greenish. Should we try to get into an infectious disease doctor? Is it okay to just keep doing oral antibiotics and drops?
Any advice would be great!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Quick Update
On another note Jeremy has decided not to play baseball. He was all signed up, but hadn't started yet. Bryan and the boys went down to the mission by our house (big lawn area) to play ball. Logan can't get enough baseball and would sleep in his baseball pants if he could! They were playing and then somehow Bryan and Jeremy started talking. Bryan asked him if he really wanted to play. Apparently Jeremy hesitated and then told Bryan that he really didn't want to. Bryan told him it was okay and that he just needed to tell him, etc. So, Bryan came home feeling bad, not so much because Jeremy didn't want to play (he was a little bummed about it) but because Jeremy thought Bryan would be disappointed!
Oh, my heart went out to both of them. Late last night the little ones went to bed so Jeremy and I had ice cream cones and Bryan sat at the table with us. Jeremy is really into music and loves to sing, etc. He asked if he could take guitar lessons. Bryan told him at the table he could and we discussed practicing and the responsibility, etc. He was and is truly excited about taking lessons, he lit up. Never did so much about baseball.
As for Logan - he is great! It is never a dull moment with him! Our house has been on the market so the other day we had a showing. Jeremy wasn't too happy about it as he doesn't want to move. I went on to explain that the Lord is in charge and we will move in His time, etc. So the next morning after breakfast Logan asks me, "Mommy, when is Jesus going to sell our house." It still makes me chuckle!!
And last, but certainly not least, Bryan has started taking, drum roll please...................................... bagpipe lessons!!! Yep, my hotty, fireman hubby is going to be wearing a skirt, I mean kilt!!! It is for the fire department and he is getting better every day, but this too, makes me chuckle!! Love ya babe!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
Late Catch Up
This past Saturday he had a T-ball clinic. He was so excited. Bryan took him the day before to Academy for baseball pants and socks. He woke up a little after 6am Saturday asking if he could put on his new baseball pants and if it was time to go to his game yet! He also got a new bat a few weeks prior, but it was on timeout since Logan hit Courtney in the face with it and gave her a black eye! Anywho, he loves baseball and can't wait for Saturday to come again to go to his "game".
On another note, Courtney is in a big girl bed! Her crib turns into a toddler bed and since Logan and Courtney are so close in age, we never used it that way before!! I am a believer of keeping kids in cribs as long as you can. Well, the time came! I heard a blood curdling scream and found her face down on the ground. Yep, she tried to climb out. I knew it was coming, but the boys would just monkey their way down, not Courtney! So far it hasn't been too bad. However, it is difficult trying to tell a deaf girl to get back in bed. It's kind of interesting!! I am seeing that she can read lips. I told her after laying with her for a while, "Okay, Courtney it is time to go night night." She said, "Okay, night night." People told me she would do this and in the middle of the night if she woke up sick or whatever that we would be able to carry on a "normal" conversation, but it was hard to believe. It's actually kind of amazing!!
The flip side of Courtney is that she is battling an ear infection even after removing those adenoids and 2nd set of tubes. So, we are on a high dose of antibiotic ear drops and a wick in her ear to keep the drops in. We go back on Thursday to take the wick out. Then we wait 72 hours. If there is any drainage at all we have to do a culture. Depending on what the culture comes back with, if we have to do it, we will either do IV antibiotics or re-do the tube. This isn't the first time we have done a wick and a culture so we shall see!! I'm just really hoping for no drainage after Thursday!!
Jeremy is doing great in school and just went to a baseball clinic on Saturday as well. He loved it and did great! He also gave his first talk in church on Sunday. Oh y goodness it warmed my heart! He did so good! He was so nervous, but didn't need any help. We practiced reading it and then he skyped with his grandparents in CA and practiced for them the night before On Sunday he was so scared he just couldn't look up at anyone! He has such a sweet spirit! It worked out for Bryan to be there as well to see his first talk, yahoo!
Well, that is about it for now! I am really trying to post more regularly, but it is hard!! More pictures to come soon!
Friday, January 22, 2010
We survived!
Courtney is soundly, safely sleeping in bed! Glad it is over and that Bryan is home! Note to self, never schedule a 10 minute procedure of any kind unless both parents can attend! You never know what the doctor may want to do!!!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Frazzled, but survived!
Yep, I took them all to a have their eyes checked. Logan had a follow up and Courtney and Jeremy needed to be examined. The staff and doctors were great and very patient with us. It was the worst Courtney has ever behaved. Ear piercing screams at the top of her lungs, running and slamming the exam room door, and collapsing on the ground are just a few of the tricks she used. I sat with her, I talked, I distracted, I fed her, I tried everything, but nothing worked. Logan would look at her wrong and she would yell, "Owe!" What? Logan didn't even touch her!! The nurses would come in with they toys that they kept for, "These kinds of situations."
Then, little Miss Sassy Pants, gets up in the exam chair and is a perfect angel for the doctor. Great! We are out of the woods! Nope, she gets down runs out the door, runs back in and hits Logan. The doctor reassures me it is okay, he has a 2 year old. I am dying, frazzled by this point. Courtney proceeds to push Logan so the doctor gets down eye level with Courtney and tells her hitting is not allowed in his office (all very kind) and that if she does it again she won't be able to go to the prize box. She knew she was in trouble so she starts to scream.
At this point the doctor hadn't discussed with me Logan's results from his October surgery, if it took, etc. Jeremy and Courtney were good to go. The screaming continues every time we try to talk so the nurse takes all of the kids to get prizes so we can talk. I wanted to shut the door and lock it for just a minute. They all picked out a prize or two and we wonder why Courtney is persistent. She always gets what she wants!!
The kids almost all got a good report. Courtney has to come back in a year (can't wait), but doesn't need glasses or have any signs of crossing, etc. Neither does Jeremy, yahoo! Logan is good for now, but his measurements from his last appointment to this one have gotten worse as far as crossing. His vision is great, but we are in a "tweener" stage according to the doctor. We don't have to do anything now, but in 4 months if it gets any worse we may have to do another surgery.
So, in the end I survived , frazzled, but alive! I called Bryan who is in Utah until tomorrow night to give him a full report and let him know that Courtney's neurotologist called to schedule another set of tubes for tomorrow morning. He offered to come home early, but I figured if I can survive 3 of them at the doctor, I can survive a 10 minute procedure even if it does require general anesthesia!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Thank you to a tooth
I just wanted to thank you so much for joining our group of friends. The two kids downstairs were getting lonely because no one else seemed to be showing up! If you could encourage your other friends that have been hiding underground with you to come up for some sunshine that would be wonderful. We have been trying for some time to eat popcorn, meat and expand our taste buds, but it just gets difficult, if not depressing doing it alone.
I am on the welcoming committee and we need more individuals like yourself to join us. Courtney provides us with a great place to live and grow. We are just thrilled that you are here. Again, I just wanted to extend my gratitude for arriving. It is better late than never! I hope you grow to be nice, pretty and strong. See you around.
Your new friend, Molar. (I am the one upstairs in the far back right corner!)
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Holiday Pictures
The first one is baking Christmas cookies!
Sunshine Cottage Party
Christmas 2009
Friday, January 1, 2010

To start off the year I couldn't pass up posting a picture that tells it all!! Every year my Mom takes out family picture. It always seems to be last minute so we are rushing around between naps, meals, entertaining and weather! We almost didn't do them this year since I hadn't even framed last year's until two days ago, but we went for it anyway. It was around 4:30pm, a little later than my mom had wanted for lighting purposes and freezing! This picture cracks me up. My mom was snapping away when Jeremy decided to grab Logan's cheeks the way Jeremy is grabbing his. Apparently Jeremy grabbed a bit too hard which put Logan in tears. Bryan, couldn't understand why in the world Jeremy would decide to do this. Courtney was very concerned stating, "Oten sad." All the while I am just trying to remain calm!!!